The Woolly Mammoth

The Global Warming Demise of the Woolly Mammoth

Woolly Mammoth (also known as Tundra Mammoth) walked the Earth some .15 million to 10,000 years ago. While generally referred to as the Woolly Mammoth it is also known by its Latin name Mammuthis primigenius and by the term “tundra mammoth.” The Woolly Mammoth, the most recognized species of mammoth to ever walk the Earth, lived across the northern hemisphere, from North America to Siberia. It made its home in territory that many creatures today, including man, would find inhabitable but this giant wooly creature made its home in these frozen lands of the northern hemisphere during the Pleistocene era. Learn more about its physical characteristics, why it went extinct and more…

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How to Avoid Grizzly Bear Attacks

How to Avoid Grizzly Bear Attacks

The grizzly bear is native to North America and as such there are a number of cases each year in which grizzlies run in to humans. Unfortunately for humans caught in these situations, the grizzly bear handles such conflict by standing its ground but when they feel threatened these bears don’t hesitate to attack those confronting them. While attacks by grizzly bears are not as common as many people think, the attacks that do take place are often fatal. In this article we will cover a number of aspects of grizzly bear attacks including why grizzlies attack and some of the most recent incidences of grizzly bear attacks…

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Nurse Sharks in the ocean

Nurse Sharks: Not As Harmless As They Seem

Nurse sharks are a bottom dwelling species of shark that humans often don’t give a second thought. The nurse shark won’t hesitate to give a defensive bite though and at as long as 14 feet they can leave a significant wound behind. In this article we will cover everything you ever wanted to know about the nurse shark including: how the nurse shark got its name, where this shark prefers to live, what the nurse shark feeds on and the normal behavior of these bottom dwellers…

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Ant: World's Most Dangerous Insects

World’s Most Dangerous Insects

Insects may be some of the smallest creatures on the planet but they can also create some of the most damage when it comes to the pain and injury they inflict on human beings. Just think about all of the mosquito health warnings now for Zika Virus. In this article we will cover some of the most dangerous insects across the world including the mosquito, bullet ant, the Africanized honey bee, the bot fly and more. Each of these insects has the potential to cause serious harm if not death to the victim of its bite, sting or burrowing activity. Learn more about the characteristics of each of these bugs so you can fly away from them…

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The Ultimate Wombat Facts Guide

The wombat is a marsupial of mystery for those who do not live in its natural habitat. There are three species of this burrowing rodent and below we will take a look at each of these species to discover everything you ever wanted to know about this three foot long herbivore including their metabolism and biggest threats in the wild…

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Mosquito on skin: Zika Virus

Zika Virus: Should I Be Scared for Myself or My Baby?

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the Zika Virus (also known as the Zika Fever) a global health emergency. The virus was first discovered in the 1940s in Uganda. Since then, cases have been found in warm climates, but this current outbreak is much more widespread with a few cases even popping in areas of the United States (All confirmed cases in the United States were seen in women who had traveled to affected regions). Does that mean you should be scared of the coming warm weather? Should you be scared to get pregnant? A lot depends on where you live and where you travel to. It’s hard to say at this point if that will remain the case or if the risk will spread to the mosquitos in the United States; however, it appears it is definitely something to take seriously and take precautions against, especially if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant…

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Cheeta: Recently Extinct Animals

Recently Extinct Animals: Not Just Dinos

The term “extinct” often brings to mind the towering giants of the Cretaceous period; however, this is not always the case. Over the years, as we have had an increasingly detrimental effect on our environment, animal species have been facing the threat of extinction more often. Let’s take a look at some of the most recently extinct animal species and the factors that led to their extinction…

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Two pet rabbits in hay: Guide to Pet Rabbit Breeds

The Ultimate Guide to Pet Rabbit Breeds

There are a number of pet rabbit breeds to choose from. But if you have decided to bring a pet rabbit in to your home, you may already have realized that there are quite a few varieties. Depending upon your individual circumstances and experience owning small pets you may find one particular rabbit breed suits you best. In this article we will cover a number of the most popular pet rabbit breeds and how you can distinguish between them even as a non-experienced small pet owner.

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Crested gecko licking on a plant

Ultimate Guide to the Crested Gecko

The crested gecko is something of an unusual gecko both in appearance and in the fact that it was once believed to be extinct. This unique looking gecko is protected as an endangered species yet it remains popular in the pet trade. In this article we will cover everything you ever wanted to know about this species including: taxonomy, physical description, behavior, life in captivity and more!

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Chinchilla in cage: Chinchilla Facts

Chinchillas as Pets: Not the Best Pet for Everyone

Although sold in many pet shops nationwide many people know very little about the Chinchilla. In this article we will cover everything you ever wanted to know about the chinchilla including why these furry rodents may not be the ideal pet for you. Read on to find out why the chinchilla is not suited to everyone and how to ensure that your pet chinchilla is a friendly and healthy one…

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Person holding crab: Types of Crabs

Crab Lover’s Guide to Types of Crabs

Most individuals are familiar with the common varieties of crab sold in seafood stores, blue crab, king crab, etc. However, many more specimens of crabs to be found within the infraorder Brachyura that are much lesser known. There are over five thousand sea crab species alone but we’ll take a look at some of the most popular kinds and learn more about each…

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