Due to the high volume of contact requests we get, please read the following information before reaching out. We do not accept guest posts.
Have a burning planetary or environment-related question? We encourage you to use the search feature at top to find what you’re looking for, and invite you to participate in the comment section at the bottom of each article. There our community, and our experts, can chime in to help out with your questions, and maybe you have the answer to someone else’s. Please remember to keep your comments clean because this isn’t a landfill after all.
Advertising or Partnerships
We are currently not accepting advertising. If you are a merchant interested in an affiliate relationship with us, please get in touch using the form below.
Press and Syndication
Considering using Earth’s Friends for your news story or site? Great news! We’re always thrilled to find our name featured on other sites. Feel free to reference or quote small snippets of any of our content (full content syndication is not allowed), and we ask that you give credit to the source with a mention and backlink to the original page on our site (and let us know so we can share it on social media). We are also available for interviews.
We Do Not Accept Guest Posts
Sorry but we are not currently accepting guest posts. And we do not take requests to review individual products unless we feel it’s a good fit for our readers.
Other Questions
Still stumped? Well, that’s no fun! We’re here to help and will do our best to respond to you as time allows. If you are a spammer, a scammer, or simply an unpleasant person, don’t be offended if you don’t receive a response because more than likely we composted your message. Thanks for reaching out and reading EarthsFriends.com.