Home & Garden

Environmentally conscious living leads to a happy and healthy lifestyle. Learn to keep your home and laundry chemical free, and spruce up your front yard by learning how to garden. Look to us for easy to use guides and a green thumb to help. From advice on recycling, to CFL lights and composting, there are endless things we can do in our everyday lives to protect our earth and keep ourselves healthy, fit, and happy.

Russian dwarf hamster

Russian Dwarf Hamsters Make Great Pets

The Russian dwarf hamster is just one species of hamster that small pet lovers enjoy keeping. These small rodents may not have particularly long life spans but these cute critters are sociable and easy to care for making them the ideal pet! In this article we will cover everything you ever wanted to know about the Russian dwarf hamster from taxonomy, physical appearance and diet…

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The Russian Tortoise

Why Do People Love The Russian Tortoise?

When it comes to keeping a pet tortoise very few people know that there are numerous tortoise species. One of the most popular species of tortoise is the Russian tortoise a small tortoise species that when cared for properly often outlives its owner. In this article we will cover everything you ever wanted to know about the Russian tortoise including: physiological characteristics, natural distribution, life in captivity, diet and appropriate methods of care…

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Red beta fish swimming

Betta Fish Facts

As one of the most commonly kept fish by fish hobbyists worldwide there are a great many misconceptions about the Betta fish. For the potential Betta fish owner these misconceptions can be confusing and misleading but in this article we will attempt to clarify some of the more commonly believed misunderstandings about this brightly colored fish. From whether the Betta fish can really survive in a flower vase to whether two male Betta fish will really kill each other in a lake as big as Lake Eerie. Read on to find out the true facts about this Siamese fighting fish…

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Betta fish swimming (caption: How To Spot And Treat Common Betta Fish Diseases)

How To Spot And Treat Common Betta Fish Diseases

Keeping a Betta fish is one of the more colorful experiences in the fish keeping world but it can also be particularly challenging. Unlike keeping other pets, keeping a Betta fish can be frustrating because of the lack of ability for your fish to communicate its needs. In this article we will address a number of common Betta fish diseases, how they can be identified and what should be done to treat them. Read on to find out what signs you should be looking out for to ensure that your Betta fish does not succumb to one of these common Betta fish diseases…

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Siamese fighting fsh in water

Siamese Fighting Fish: The Amazing Betta Fish

The Siamese fighting fish, also known as the Betta fish, is one of the most popular fish varieties when it comes to keeping aquariums. These incredible fish are not only simply amazing to watch because of their vast array of colors but they are also a relatively easy fish to care for. While these brightly colored fish are so popular worldwide, not many people know much about the Siamese fighting fish. In this article we will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about the Siamese fighting fish from their natural habitat to taking care of them in an aquarium setting. Read on to find out if the beta fish is the fish for you…

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Food outside at farmer's market

The Local Food Movement

The word local is one of America’s hot new buzz words. Although the idea of buying locally grown food is not at all new, the local food movement has certainly picked up momentum in recent years and has therefore thrust the word “local” into all kinds of headlines. Forty years ago it was mostly grown hippies and environmentalists who promoted local food. College towns had food co-ops and bigger cities hosted weekend farmer’s markets. Today, politicians, white collar workers, blue collar workers, housewives, retirees, college students and people from all parts of society are getting on the local food movement bandwagon.

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