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Thinking about getting an aquarium and filling it up with freshwater fish? We’ve got all the info you will need to get started in our freshwater aquarium fish guide including the best freshwater aquarium fish. We will make recommendations on which freshwater aquarium fish to get (for beginners and experts) and also the conditions you will need to maintain a healthy aquarium for the fish to live and thrive in.
When it comes to keeping an aquarium there are a number of choices that determine how easy your aquarium will be to take care of as well as how difficult the fish that you choose to keep will be to take care of. Many beginner aquarium keepers decide to go with a freshwater aquarium due to the fact that they are easier to maintain without buying the most expensive equipment. Keeping a simple freshwater aquarium gives the benefits of keeping an aquarium without the cost of purchasing an elaborate setup.
Important Things to Remember About Keeping a Freshwater Aquarium
What’s An Idea Temperature of a Freshwater Tank?
While many people may claim that keeping a freshwater aquarium is simple, when working with a basic aquarium set up there are certain aspects that you should keep in mind in order to help your aquarium to thrive. It is important to remember that the temperature of any aquarium needs to be maintained within a steady range in order to support the life within the tank.
Most people are able to maintain the required temperature for the fish selection in their aquarium. However, many people neglect the plant life that they place within their aquarium which is equally as dependent upon the temperature of the water.
It is crucial to select fish that thrive within a similar temperature range as well as plants that can be maintained in this same range in order to promote the optimal aquarium atmosphere. The average temperature for a freshwater fish community is between 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. For plant life the average temperature falls between 76 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
pH of Freshwater Fish Tanks
The pH (aka potential of hydrogen) of the water in the tank is also another important factor for any aquarium. Different types of fish require different pH balances in the water, while some thrive in a much more acidic atmosphere others may not.
It is important not to mix fish that require a more acidic aquarium with those that require a less acidic aquarium in order to promote the health of your fish. Mixing two varieties of fish that have different pH requirements will eventually lead to the death of one of the fish types within the aquarium.
As with temperature, pH is another factor that not only influences the health of fish within the tank, but it also affects the health of plant life within the tank as well. The average pH of a freshwater fish community is between 6.5 and 7.5; the average pH requirement for fresh water plant life is 6.0 to 7.5.
Testing Elements of the Freshwater Tank
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API Freshwater PH Test Kit |
While the temperature and the pH balance of the aquarium water are important, there are also numerous other factors which also play an important role in keeping an aquarium community healthy.
In order to determine all of these elements you must invest in a water testing kit that will allow you to track these elements within the water of your tank.
Some of the elements that should be measured using these home freshwater testing kits include (along with their ideal levels).
- Ammonia (zero)
- Nitrite (zero)
- Nitrate (less than 50 ppm)
- Alkalinity (between 4 to 8 KH)
- General water hardness (between 4 to 12 GH)
Many amateur aquarium keepers find the initial water balancing to be intimidating or even overwhelming. However, a home testing kit and a water treatment formula can quickly and easily rectify any discrepancies in the values that are required for a healthy aquarium.
Populating a Freshwater Aquarium
Many people turn their nose up at the idea of keeping a freshwater aquarium rather than a salt water aquarium because they believe saltwater life to be much more interesting and diverse. While there are differences between the types of fish that can survive within fresh water versus saltwater, there is plenty of diversity that can be attained by selecting only freshwater fish to populate an aquarium.
The most important factors when selecting freshwater fish are compatibility and experience.
If you are seeking to combine a variety of different fish breeds in your aquarium it is important to select fish that are compatible which means not combining aggressive fish with peaceful fish since this would lead to a rapid death for the peaceful breed of fish.
Experience is another important factor in selecting the fish that you desire for your aquarium since some fish are considerably easier to take care of than others, even in a freshwater environment. For an inexperienced aquarium keeper to select a breed of fish that is recommended for experienced aquarium owners would not only be a frustrating experience but it would also be an expensive one. Fish that are recommended for expert handling only are done so for a very good reason, they are not hardy fish and require much more experience and knowledge about fish than most beginners have. While there is nothing to stop a beginner from purchasing a much more advanced fish breed, these fish are often expensive to purchase and without the right level of care they can die quickly resulting in a very expensive lesson.
Freshwater Fish for Beginners
There are a number of aquarium fish types that are particularly recommended for beginning freshwater aquarium owners, these include: glofish, cichlids, betta fish, goldfish, barb fish, and guppies. Read on to learn about all the various fish types below.
Glofish are a type of Danio fish that are recognized for their “glowing” ability. These fluorescent fish glow in a dark tank and are becoming increasingly popular as a starter fish for children who wish to keep their own freshwater fish tank. The glofish are peaceful fish and should only be placed with other peaceful fish that thrive in water between 64 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. The glofish requires an omnivorous diet and grows to around 2 1/1 inches requiring a minimum tank size of one gallon.
Cichlids are a popular fish for beginners as well and they come in a wide variety of variations, one of the more popular is the electric blue cichlid. The electric blue cichlid is a particularly aggressive fish and can grow as large as 8” long which puts their minimum tank size requirement at around 70 gallons. While these large freshwater aquarium fish are easy to care for they do require a carnivorous diet. The electric blue cichlid requires an average tank temperature of 76 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH of 7.8 to 8.6.
Betta Fish
Betta fish are one of the more popular fish for first-time fish owners. These colorful fish are peaceful; however, when it comes to housing them with other betta fish things become difficult. Male betta fish are extremely aggressive towards each other and they also should not be housed with female betta fish except for a short period of time during breeding. When adding a betta to an aquarium it is likely that one male betta fish will remain in the aquarium; however, some people find they can house multiple female betta’s together without issue. One of the more popular breeds of betta fish is the crown tail betta which is known for its unique tail design. The crown tail is a carnivorous fish and can grow as long as 3 inches putting the minimum tank requirement at 1 gallon for this fish. The average temperature for this particular betta breed falls between 75 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit and the required pH should be between 6.0 and 8.0.
Goldfish are another common starting place for first-time fish owners as well as children. The red cap oranda goldfish is one of the easier goldfish to care for and is a unique looking and peaceful fish. This particular breed of goldfish can grow as long as 10 inches long putting the minimum tank requirement at 30 gallons or larger. This peaceful fish requires a tank temperature between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5.
Barb Fish
Barb fish are another commonly recommended fish for those beginning with their first freshwater aquarium; in particular, the tiger barb is a common favorite. The tiger barb fish is an easy to care for fish; however, it is a semi-aggressive fish so caution should be used when matching this breed of fish with others. The tiger barb grows to a maximum of around 3 inches long and it requires a minimum tank size of 30 gallons. The ideal tank temperature for the tiger barb is between 74 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0.
Guppies are a breed of fish that most children have heard about through classroom research and the green cobra guppy is a particularly easy to care for fish when it comes to keeping a freshwater aquarium. The green cobra guppy is a peaceful and easy to care for fish that requires an omnivorous diet. With a maximum size of 2” long this breed of fish requires a minimum tank size of 20 gallons that has a temperature between 64 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of 5.5 to 8.0.
Blue Johanni Cichlid
The blue johanni cichlid is often chosen by fresh water tank owners because of its beautiful blue coloration. This fish is a bright blue color with lines of black floor that go down the length of the body. It is recommended that the minimum tank size for these fish is 50 gallons. These easy to care for fish are aggressive so it is important to be aware of combining this fish with other species of fish. This fish is native to Lake Malawi in Africa and grows to a maximum size of 5” long. The blue johanni is an herbivorous fish that prefers to live in waters between 76 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of 7.8 to 8.6. This feed requires a diet made up of vegetable-rich lake foods.
Peppered Cory Cat
The peppered cory cat is another affordable fish that makes a great beginner fish for a fresh water aquarium. This silvery colored fish has thin black markings that stripe the body and is an easy to care for fish that is particularly peaceful. The minimum recommended tank size for this fish is 30 gallons and the peppered cory cat prefers a tank temperature between 72 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of between 5.8 and 7.0. The peppered cory cat is native to South America and is omnivorous by nature and thrives on a diet of both catfish pellet food and freeze-dried bloodworms and other frozen and live foods.
Otocinclus Catfish
The otocinclus catfish is an affordable fish for any fresh water aquarium newcomer. This slender fish is not as brightly colored as many other freshwater fish and as such many people overlook this fish but it is considerably hardy. The recommended minimum tank size for this fish is 30 gallons and these fish are peaceful which makes finding tank mates for this species easier. These fish prefer a tank temperature of around 74 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of between 6.8 and 7.5. This fish is native to South America and is a herbivore preferring a diet made up of large amounts of vegetation and algae. Without algae in the tank the otocinclus will require a supplemental food that is high in vegetation. This fish grows to a maximum size of 2” long.
Cherry Barb
The cherry barb is a beautiful pink color that attracts many fresh water aquarium owners. This small aquarium fish from Sri Lanka grows to a maximum of 2” long and is a particularly peaceful fish. The cherry barb is a hardy and easy to care for fish that prefers a tank temperature of between 74 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. This small fish is native to Sri Lanka and is omnivorous preferring a diet with a good variety including flake food and meaty foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp. The minimum recommended tank size for the cherry barb is 30 gallons.
Boesemani Rainbow
The Boesemani rainbow fish is another fish that appeals to many fresh water aquarium owners because of its bright beautiful coloration. Unlike some of the previously mentioned colorful fish the Boesemani rainbow is a little more expensive but as a peaceful and easy to care for fish it is still recommended as a good starter fish for beginners. This fish is native to Thailand and is omnivorous preferring a diet of flake, frozen and live foods but it is important to feed only smaller foods that can fit down the small throats of the fish. The maximum size of this fish is around 3” long and it requires a minimum tank size of around 30 gallons. The ideal water temperature for this fish is between 72 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of between 7.0 and 8.0.
Harlequin Rasbora
The harlequin rasbora is a particularly affordable fish with a beautiful orange color and a black triangle on the back-end of its body. These fish prefer to swim at the top of aquariums that are a minimum of 10 gallons. The ideal tank temperature for this easy to care for, peaceful fish is between 72 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit and the water should have a pH level of between 6.0 and 6.5. The maximum length of these fish is around 2” long. Native to Asia the harlequin rasbora is an omnivorous fish that thrives on a diet that includes flake food and freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex.
Albino Peacock Cichlid
The albino peacock cichlid is a beautiful shimmering white and pink fish flecked with neon blue and yellow flecks. As an albino fish this fish has pink eyes. The recommended minimum tank size for this fish is 50 gallons as a fully grown fish of this species can grow to 5” long. The albino peacock cichlid is native to the United States and is a carnivorous fish preferring a diet of both meat and vegetable sources. This species is commonly fed flake and pellet based foods in addition to live or frozen brine shrimp. This fish prefers a tank temperature of 76 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH of between 7.8 and 8.6.
Bleeding Heart Platy
The bleeding heart platy is a red streaked fish that appeals to many aquarium owners because of its numerous color variations. This fish is easy to care for and has a peaceful temperament. Ideal water conditions for the bleeding heart platy include water temperatures between 64-77° F with a pH of 7.0-8.2. These fish grow to a maximum size of two inches long and require a minimum tank size of ten gallons. The bleeding heart platy is omnivorous and can feed on most commercial flake foods in addition to freeze-dried bloodworms and shrimp. This is a rather affordable fish and costs on average $8 per fish.
False Tigrinus Catfish
The false tigrinus catfish is a deep black colored fish with silver stripes that give it the “tigrinus” name. These fish are natural bottom dwellers of the Amazon and require an aquarium that offers plenty of shade and movement in the water. Most commonly this fish can be found resting on large rock surfaces within the tank. The false tigrinus catfish is a peaceful fish; however, they are difficult to care for and require a well-versed aquarium owner to maintain their health and carnivorous diet. This fish tends to grow to a maximum size of 2’6” long and require a minimum tank size of one hundred and eighty gallons – yet another reason why they are recommended for experienced owners only. This catfish species requires water that ranges in temperature from 74-82° F and has a pH of 6.5-7.0. These large predator fish feed on frozen cichlid cubed and bloodworms in addition to prawns. This is by no means an affordable fish and retails for around $90 per fish.
Freshwater Pipefish
The freshwater pipefish is a long snouted fish that is black and silver in color. While this is an easy to care for peaceful fish species they can be difficult to sustain because of their feeding habits. Freshwater pipefish will only eat food that is live and as a result this fortified live food means that a sponge filtration system is always recommended to keep the tank clean without destroying live food. Native to Indonesia these carnivorous fish grow to a maximum size of six inches long and require a minimum tank size of thirty gallons. The freshwater pipefish requires an average water temperature of 75-82° F with a pH of 6.0-8.0. These fish are quite expensive and cost on average $29.99 per fish.
Firemouth Cichlid
The firemouth cichlid is often chosen for their beautiful turquoise blue color with red tipped scales and a red throat and breast that give them their name. These fish are not only chosen for their coloring but also by hobbyist breeders because they form pairs and create their own nuclear families. These cichlids are burrowing fish and require a sandy bottom to their aquarium to allow for them to burrow. This fish is a semi-aggressive fish and will aggressively fight with other fish, most particularly those of the same species during spawning. Much like betta fish, the firemouth cichlid will inflate the sack around the throat and widen its gill covers in an attempt to intimidate other fish. This species of cichlid is moderately difficult to care for and requires an omnivorous diet. On average the firemouth cichlid grows to six inches in length and requires a minimum tank size of thirty gallons. These fish will feed on most frozen foods and flaked foots or cichlid pellets. This is an affordable fish species at an average cost of $6 per fish.
Black Convict Cichlid
The black convict cichlid is so named because of the black bar like stripes that run vertically down the body of the fish. The base color of this cichlid’s body is a grayish color, females of the species show orange tinged scaled on the lower portion of the body. As male black convict cichlids age, they develop a large fatty lump on their head which helps to identify them from females of the species. This fish species is particularly aggressive and does not do well with tank mates that are not also aggressive and similar in size. Moderately difficult to take care of, these fish grow to an average of 6” long and require a minimum tank size of 30 gallons. The best water temperature range for these fish is 68-73° F and pH should be from 6.5-8.0. This omnivorous fish species will eat most freeze-dried and frozen foods as well as cichlid pellets and flaked foods. This is a particularly affordable fish averaging at around $5 per fish.
Bolivian Ram
The Bolivian ram is a golden-colored fish that features red and blue highlights on its fins and a black spot on the body center with a black line that runs down the head. The Bolivian ram is a peaceful fish that is moderately difficult to care for. This fish species is another interesting species for hobbyist breeders in that they form pairs that are seemingly faithful to each other. As peaceful and social fish, this species makes a great addition to any community tank. The Bolivian ram grows to a maximum size of 3” long and requires a minimum tank size of around thirty gallons. The ideal temperature for this species is around 72-79° F with a pH of 6.5-7.5. This omnivorous fish will feed on freeze-dried foods, flake foods and live foods. This is another affordable fresh water aquarium species costing around $6 per fish.
Jack Dempsey
The Jack Dempsey is a favorite among fresh water fish lovers because of its beautiful coloration. The base gray color of this fish is speckled with bright green and blue spots that increase in intensity during breeding season. This fish species is a hiding species that requires a sand bottom to their tank as well as plenty of rocks and roots to hide among. The Jack Dempsey is an easy to care for fish but it is aggressive and territorial and should only be placed in a tank with similarly sized aggressive fish. This species can grow to a maximum size of 10” long and requires a minimum tank size of 50 gallons. The ideal water temperature for the Jack Dempsey is 78-82° F with a pH 6.5-8.0. This carnivorous fish will feed on fresh and frozen foods including live fish and freeze-dried bloodworms. The average cost of this fish species is an affordable $5 per fish.
Gold Doubloon Molly
The gold doubloon molly is a brightly colored fish with the front portion of the fish being a bright golden color. The rear section of the fish is dark black. This beautiful fish is peaceful but requires an aquarium owner with a moderate amount of experience in order to thrive. The gold doubloon molly can grow as large as 5” long and requires a minimum tank size of 30 gallons. This fish prefers hard water as well as a small amount of salt in the water which can be added by adding aquarium salt. These fish will do well with other peaceful fish. The gold doubloon molly prefers water temperatures between 68-82° F and prefers a pH of 7.0 to 8.0. This is an omnivorous fish and thrives on a diet rich in algae and meaty foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms and tubifex. The average cost of this fish is $7.
Black Moor Goldfish
The black moor goldfish is a solid black, clear or orange fish that can be recognized for having a veiled tail shape and bulbous eyes. These large aquarium fish can grow as big as 10” long and require a minimum tank size of 30 gallons. This is an easy to care for fish that is peaceful and do well in tanks with sandy substrate in which they can dig. The black moor goldfish prefers water temperatures between 65-75° F and with a pH of 6.5-7.5. This big freshwater aquarium fish of Asian origin is an omnivore and does well with both live and dried foods however; only 30% of their diet should be composed of meaty foods. The average cost of this fish is around $8.
Tiger Pleco
The tiger pleco is native to the Amazon River basin in South America and can be red or tan in color. These uniquely striped fish will thrive in a community aquarium. The tiger pleco can grow as long as 5” and requires a minimum tank size of 30 gallons. This is an easy to care for and peaceful fish making it a great addition to any beginner’s aquarium. These fish do require plenty of hiding places within the tank to thrive. The ideal water temperature for this fish is between 72-76° F with a pH of 6.5-7.5. This is an omnivorous fish that generally eats algae as well as food that falls to the bottom of the aquarium when not eaten by community fish. If your community tank does not provide enough food for the tiger pleco its diet can be supplemented with flaked food, freeze-dried bloodworms or sinking carnivore pellets. The average cost of the tiger pleco is $50.
American Flagfish
The American flagfish is a colorful addition to any freshwater aquarium. With blue, green and red coloration this fish sparkles iridescently as it swims. This fish requires plenty of hiding places in addition to plenty of free space to swim in the center of the tank. The American flagfish is an easy to care for fish but it is semi-aggressive. This non aggressive freshwater fish grows to a maximum length of 2 1/3 inches and requires a minimum tank size of 10 gallons. The ideal water temperature for this fish is between 66-72° F and the ideal pH should be between 6.7 and 8.2. This native Floridian fish is an omnivore and prefers to feed on live food but will also feed on frozen or flaked food. In order to remain healthy the American flagfish also requires a good level of algae in its diet. If this algae is not present in the fish tank algae tablets may be used. The average price of this fish is around $7.
Silver Hatchet
The silver hatchet is a brightly colored silver fish with a unique shape. The deep belly of the fish gives it a hatchet type shape and its pectoral fins are located higher up on the body. This is a schooling fish and as such it should not be kept in groups of less than six. The silver hatchet does like to jump and should not be kept in a topless tank. This fish requires a minimum tank size of 20 gallons and while it is a peaceful fish it is particularly difficult to care for. The ideal water temperature for the silver hatchet is between 73-79° F with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. The silver hatchet is a carnivorous fish and will feed on a variety of live or frozen foods in addition to high-quality flake food. The average price of this fish is $5.
Mosquito Fish
The mosquito fish is generally chosen by pond owners because of their predilection for feeding on insect larvae that are laid around the pond. In addition to feeding on insect larvae, these fish also feed on algae. The mosquito fish is generally white in color and grows to a maximum length of 3”. The minimum recommended tank size for this fish is 20 gallons. The ideal water temperature for the mosquito fish is 65-75° F and they prefer a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. The mosquito fish is a peaceful fish and is easy to care for as long as they have plenty of plant life to hide in. The mosquito fish is omnivorous and will feed on high-quality flaked foods in addition to mosquito larvae and algae. The average cost for this fish is around $1.
Leopard Ctenopoma
The leopard ctenopoma is a tan-colored fish with black leopard like spots all over its body. Growing to around 6” long, this fish requires a minimum tank size of 50 gallons. Native to Zaire, the leopard ctenopoma is an aggressive fish that requires an aquarium owner with a moderate level of experience in aquarium ownership. This fish requires tank mates that are similar in size in order to prevent smaller fish from becoming food. It is also important to provide the leopard ctenopoma with plenty of plants in the aquarium in which to hide. The ideal tank temperature for this fish is between 73-82° F with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. This carnivorous fish will eat frozen, live and prepared foods in addition to floating pellet foods. The average cost of the leopard ctenopoma is around $25.
Freshwater Fish for the Non-Beginner
Not everyone who is looking to start-up a freshwater aquarium is a beginner and as such they have a little more experience with keeping fish which gives them the knowledge required to care for the more advanced freshwater fish breeds. Some of the most common freshwater fish preferred by non-beginners include: fahaka puffers, African butterfly fish, black ghost knifefish, clown loach, kissing gouramis, African tiger fish, silver arowana and the tiger oscar.
Fahaka Puffers
Fahaka puffers are fish that are generally chosen for their puffing ability despite the fact that they are freshwater fish. These fish pose particular difficulty to tank owners and to date no fahaka puffer fish has been bred successfully in captivity. This aggressive fish should be placed in a tank that is a minimum of 125 gallons since they can grow as large as 1 foot 5 inches. These fish are carnivores and require a large number of plants within the aquarium where they can hide.
African Butterfly Fish
The African butterfly fish is a unique looking fish with butterfly like fins; however, while this fish may look dainty it is particularly aggressive and moderately difficult to care for. The African butterfly fish grows to around 4 inches long and requires a tank size of 30 gallons or more with a temperature between 75 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of 6.9 to 7.1. These fish are carnivorous and prefer to be fed small fish and shrimp but they can be happy feeding on freeze-dried foods recommended for carnivorous fish as well.
Black Ghost Knifefish
The black ghost knifefish is a particularly unusually shaped fish that is moderately difficult to care for. This fish is semi-aggressive and as such care should be taken when selecting tank mates to partner with this breed. The black ghost knifefish is a carnivorous fish that grows to around 1 foot 6 inches and requires a minimum tank size of 50 gallons in order to thrive. This fish requires a tank temperature of 73 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of 6.5 to 7.0.
Clown Loach
The clown loach fish is recognized by its black and orange stripes and is commonly sought for freshwater tanks for its bright decoration as well as its peaceful nature. While peaceful, however, this fish is moderately difficult to care for and it requires an omnivorous diet. The clown loach can grow as large as one foot long and it requires a minimum tank size of 50 gallons with a temperature between 72 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5.
Kissing Gourami’s
The kissing gourami fish are a fish commonly chosen for their appearance of “kissing” each other when they meet other kissing gouramis within the tank. While these silvery pink fish have a rather peaceful name they are actually considered to be a semi-aggressive fish and caution should be used when placing this fish with others in a tank. The kissing gourami fish feed on an omnivorous diet and require a minimum tank size of 30 gallons and require moderate experience to care for them. The ideal tank temperature for this fish is 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of 6.8 to 8.5.
African Tiger Fish
The African tiger fish is a fish that can grow to a particularly large size and as such it requires moderately experienced owners and a minimum tank size of 500 gallons. The fully grown African tiger fish can grow as large as 3 feet 4 inches and can be extremely aggressive with other tank mates. The ideal water temperature for this carnivorous fish is 73 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH level of 6.5 to 7.8.
Silver Arowana
The silver arowana fish is considered to be an extremely fortuitous symbol in many Asian cultures and as such many people practicing the art of feng shui seek this fish for their freshwater aquariums. The silver arowana is a moderately difficult fish to care for and it is semi-aggressive meaning that care should be taken when placing it in a tank with other tank mates. This carnivorous fish can grow as large as 3 foot 4 inches and as such it requires a minimum tank size of 250 gallons.
Tiger Oscar
The Tiger Oscar can be an extremely difficult fish to work with and keep healthy and happy and as such it is not recommended for anyone with less than expert experience with fish. This semi-aggressive carnivorous fish can grow as long as 1 foot and it requires a minimum tank size of 70 gallons with an average temperature between 72 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of 6.0 to 8.0.
Which Fish Are the Right Choice for Your Aquarium?
Many people go in to their first aquarium buying experience with the belief that they can only purchase fish of a certain breed to populate their tank, this is untrue. While you are restricted by the temperament of the fish that you select for your freshwater tank you do not have to select all one breed of fish to populate the tank – in fact, this would lead to a rather boring aquarium!
Jump into diversity with your freshwater aquarium and try matching different fish breeds to create the ultimate freshwater experience, just keep in mind that in order to have a healthy aquarium you should match fishes temperaments as well as their requirements. Select fish that are compatible with your experience level and compatible with each other and you will have no problem growing a thriving freshwater aquarium environment.
Video: Fresh Water Fish At PetSmart
Catch the fresh fish in action in this short compilation video from PetSmart. Can you spot any of the ones mentioned above?
An Overview of Freshwater Aquarium Ownership
While many people may lead you to believe that owning a freshwater aquarium just simply isn’t as much fun as owning a saltwater aquarium, this is a matter of opinion. Freshwater aquarium owners can experience just as much diversity in their fish as saltwater aquarium owners can and some freshwater fish are even more aggressive and picky than some saltwater fish!
Ultimately, the choice as to whether you should go with a freshwater or saltwater tank should be based upon personal preference and not the opinion that one tank has “better” fish to offer, because this simply isn’t true.
What’s your favorite fresh water fish?
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