Climate & Planet

The climate has changed from what we remember it to be even 10 years ago. The changes you’re seeing may be more or less drastic depending on where you live, but that doesn’t mean they’re not happening. It’s important for us to be informed of the effect we’re having on our planet.

We show you that it’s not that difficult (and that much more rewarding) to live an eco-friendly lifestyle. We take you beyond recycling, walking and biking to help you reduce your footprint in ways that may not have occurred to you. Join us in leaving some planet for those that come after us.

Earth day on the calendar

Earth Day 2009

Support Our Planet Earth in 2009 and Beyond. Earth Day is a time for each and every one of us to stop and reflect on our planet, and feel thankful for everything that we’ve been given. After all, without Earth, there wouldn’t be much of us…

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Car mirror

17 Hybrid Cars Myths You May be Misled By

New technology is prone to being a source of confusion simply because few people know all the facts, understand the technology, and get caught up in exaggerated stories generated by peoples’ natural impulsive tendency to allow fantasies to fill in the blanks. Following are four common myths surrounding hybrid cars. We’ll see which ones are fact, and which ones are fiction…

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Car driving on highway

What Makes a Car Hybrid?

All hybrid cars share at least three common factors. In fact, all three capabilities must be present in order for the vehicle to be classified as hybrid. These three steps include: Regenerative braking, idle-off capability and power assist. These steps are explained below in more detail. Read on to learn more about what makes a car a hybrid

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Hybrid blocks

How do Hybrid Cars Work?

The term hybrid is one of the hottest buzz words to enter the English lexicon. In our global economy and an ever-growing awareness of the limitations of our resources, people everywhere are concerned about how we can maintain our lifestyles into the future. There is a plethora of curiosity, enthusiasm and confusion surrounding this term as we face high gas prices and a bleak forecast for our natural environment. Our lifestyles are being threatened, and so people all over the world look to the hybrid car as a potential solution, allowing us to continue speeding across our lands and living our lives of convenience. With all these concerns riding on the success of new technology, it is no wonder that people want to know, in simple terms, how do hybrid cars work…

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Toyota Prius driving on the road

Toyota Prius Party in California

On a recent visit to San Francisco I was amazed at the number of Toyota Priuses on the road. I don’t think at any one time I could look in any direction on the highway or on city streets and not see one. It’s no wonder that the American auto market has been eclipsed by foreign auto makers, not the least of which is Toyota, riding the success wave of their gas-electric hybrid, the Prius.

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Oil leaking in the shape of the United States

The World is Running out of Crude Oil

The reality of the situation is that crude oil is a fossil fuel, something that cannot be recreated or regenerated, and the world is rapidly running out of this so-called precious resource. Even the Middle East (Saudi Arabia), stockpiling some of the largest crude oil reserves in the world, will eventually run out. Because of its deep integration in our society, businesses and individuals depend on oil. Carmakers, airplane manufacturers, and various manufacturing and processing facilities thrive on the profits generated by oil-based equipment. What these companies are failing to realize is that there’s not much left. United States oil production peaked in the early 1970’s, and we are now completely out of crude oil, depending on other nations for our oil imports. Because of its limited availability, crude oil is bound to run out everywhere sooner or later. And that time is closer than we think…

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California wildfires

Is Global Warming Causing Wildfires in California?

If anyone is still asking “Is global warming causing wildfires in California?”, they may need to face the facts. With all of these freaky questions swirling around, the time is now to start the dialogue. Do you think there is a connection between our changing world landscape of natural disaster and extended summer weather? How much have we done to create this and further how will we and our children continue to pay to keep our planet safe? More importantly, what are we doing to fix it?

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Globe in plastic bag

Paper or Plastic? Tips to Reduce the Use of Plastic Bags

The average grocery store goes through thousands of plastic bags everyday. At home, consumers use hundreds of zip lock and sandwich plastic bags to bag lunches, store food in the refrigerator, etc. All this adds up to an unbelievable amount of plastic waste. In fact, according to the Wall Street Journal, the United States goes through 100 billion plastic grocery bags annually!

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Toilet bowl

Best Low Flush Toilet

Think about how many times during a day you go to pee. The average person pees about 9 times each day. That’s 9 toilet flushes, not counting the occasional #2 😉 What does that mean in terms of water used per person per day just for going to the bathroom? If you take a look at your toilet, you may see behind the lid an indication of how many gallons per flush it uses. Toilets from the 1950s and earlier averaged 7 plus gallons per flush. Those from the 1960s were built to use 5.5 gallons, and the new 1980s toilets brought the water used in a single flush down to 3.5 gallons. Today, a new toilet is designed to use no more than 1.6 gallons per flush. Therefore, if you’re using an old toilet you may be flushing as much as 63 (7 gallons per flush times 9 flushes per day) gallons of water per day!

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