
Living a natural and healthy life is important at any age. We realize that chemicals are harmful to our bodies and to our environment so we do our best to keep it natural. That includes putting healthy foods in our body like fresh fruits and vegetables that are grown locally and checking the labels of our beauty products. Peruse our Health category to learn how to treat your body and your environment more friendly.


Is Sodium Fluoride Dangerous? Risks and Benefits Analyzed

I remember going to the dentist as a kid and dreading the experience. Why? Not that any kid loves going to the dentist, but I was definitely ending up with cavities more often than not. This continued into adulthood unfortunately, and when I asked the dentist what I was doing wrong, he would explain to me that I had “strong gums, but weak teeth.” Great, I thought. “What toothpaste do you recommend I use?” I asked the dentist, thinking that must be the culprit. He would reply with” it doesn’t matter, as long as you have flavor and fluoride.” Sodium fluoride has long been known to be a cavity fighter. And to my knowledge was never really a health concern until recently…

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Jar of homemade almond milk

Easy Almond Milk Recipe

So I have a lactose intolerance issue and have been drinking soy milk for close to 15 years in place of cow’s milk. I recently learned from my doctor that ingesting soy for an extended time period and every day (like I was) could lead to larger health issues, including cancer and other bad things. So in my quest to figure out the best option from both a health and financial perspective, I discovered how easy and affordable it is to make your own almond milk! And with commercial Almond Milk manufacturers now in class action suits about how few almonds yet how many chemicals are in their products, I am further encouraged to make my own. So rather than keeping this as my little secret, I thought I would share this how to make your own almond milk recipe with you…

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Sunscreen on back on the beach

Oxybenzone: The Cancer Of Sunscreen?

What exactly is oxybenzone? It is an organic compound used in sunscreens because of its ability to absorb UVB and short UVA rays. As a chemical ingredient, it is also helpful in maintaining the qualities of other ingredients and therefore you will also find it used in conjunction with other chemical ingredients in other personal care products such as lotions, lipstick and nail polish. As an ingredient in products, it may be referred to as Benzophenone-3.

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Lotions in medicine cabinet

Parabens in Lotion: The Slippery Truth

I have always considered myself to live a pretty healthy lifestyle. I eat vegetables, I exercise regularly and drink one cup of coffee a day. I have also considered my beauty regimen to be pretty low maintenance. I take a shower, apply body lotion afterward and face cream. Then I usually call it a day. If I’m headed out somewhere special, I may put on a little make-up, nothing too fancy. So, imagine my surprise when I started learning about harmful chemicals being used as ingredients in most of my personal care products. There I am going about my daily life thinking I’m doing the best for not only myself, but my family (husband and two little girls), only to find out that the personal care products I’m using may be causing more harm than good, especially in the long run…

Parabens in Lotion: The Slippery Truth Read More »

Native Cos in bath tub with flowrs and candles (caption: Aluminum Free Deodorant)

Best Aluminum-Free Deodorant: Native vs PiperWai vs Kiss My Face vs Burt’s Bees

So you’re thinking about switching to natural deodorant. Aluminum free deodorant seem to be a sure-fire way to return to basics and reduce the increasing health concerns associated with aluminum and parabens in relation to cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, respiratory and brain disorders. Yikes! We are right there with you – read our research on which aluminum free deodorants work best when it comes to smelling fresh while reducing your health risks associated with this sometimes sticky (and smelly!) situation…

Best Aluminum-Free Deodorant: Native vs PiperWai vs Kiss My Face vs Burt’s Bees Read More »


Why Global Warming Causes Increase in Bugs, Insects and Flu

We have global warming to thank for an increase in the rate of bug bite related infections. Bugs thrive in warmer climates, including ticks that carry the potentially fatal Lyme disease and perhaps even flu bugs. As winters shorten, ticks are showing up earlier each year and leaving later. As a result, the number of cases of Lyme disease has doubled in recent years…

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Raw vegetables

Vegan Diet Plan: Making a Lifestyle Change

A vegan diet plan is a lifestyle choice that completely eliminates animal products from the diet as well as from the lifestyle. There are a vast number of reasons why individuals opt to eat a vegan diet. Below we will take a look at what the vegan diet plan is, including: foods that are “forbidden,” acceptable food substitutions and some key facts that everyone should know about a vegan lifestyle.

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Juicer on the counter with veggies

Juicing Benefits: My Firsthand Juice Fast Account

Some may be asking why do I need to make my own juice? Why do I need a juicer? Why does it have to be so time consuming and messy?!? And isn’t it expensive? There are so many questions you and I both had when starting to think about juicing as a regular part of my life. One thing I was sure of was that it was good for me and would be beneficial to my health now and in the future. What I did not know was exactly how natural, fresh-juiced fruits and veggies could contribute so strongly to improving health and even reversing damage from poor eating and other health choices made throughout the course of life…

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Fresh veggies

My Story of Becoming A Vegetarian

I have been vegetarian for about 3 and a half years but it did not happen overnight, it has been a long transitional process over the past 25 years of my life. So, if you have ever wondered about the process of becoming a vegetarian, this is one woman’s story. While mine was gradual, many people make the change to eating vegetarian overnight due to health need or desire to protect animal rights. There are so many reasons that people become vegetarian but perhaps my story can shed some light on how it can evolve over time as you become more educated on what works best for you…

My Story of Becoming A Vegetarian Read More »

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