Guest Author

We are thankful to our guest authors for taking the time to write unique and interesting content to share with you. We are very selective with whom we allow to post on our site so that we maintain our integrity as publishers of original and helpful content.

Car being crushed at junkyard

Goodwill Car Donation: An Eco-Friendly Solution

This is a guest post from Jeremy Silverstein, Vice President of Operations and Vehicle Dispatching at Goodwill Car Donations. During the five years he’s been with the organization, Jeremy has become quite an expert in the field and has handled tens of thousands of donated vehicles. So we’re excited to have the opportunity to talk with him about donating your car as a charitable gift for your taxes and the planet too…

Goodwill Car Donation: An Eco-Friendly Solution Read More »

Power plant smoke

A Nuclear Situation in Fukushima Japan

As if the sheer devastation caused by the March 11, 2011 earthquake and following tsunami weren’t enough, the country of Japan is now facing the potential of nuclear disaster. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant was built to stand up to an earthquake of major magnitudes, quakes that hit the world at a rate of eighteen per year. However, the estimation of a 7.9 magnitude quake being the largest to hit the Fukushima nuclear power plant did not take into account the 33 foot tsunami that was to follow the 9.0 magnitude quake hit on March 11, 2011…

A Nuclear Situation in Fukushima Japan Read More »

Hybrid blocks

How do Hybrid Cars Work?

The term hybrid is one of the hottest buzz words to enter the English lexicon. In our global economy and an ever-growing awareness of the limitations of our resources, people everywhere are concerned about how we can maintain our lifestyles into the future. There is a plethora of curiosity, enthusiasm and confusion surrounding this term as we face high gas prices and a bleak forecast for our natural environment. Our lifestyles are being threatened, and so people all over the world look to the hybrid car as a potential solution, allowing us to continue speeding across our lands and living our lives of convenience. With all these concerns riding on the success of new technology, it is no wonder that people want to know, in simple terms, how do hybrid cars work…

How do Hybrid Cars Work? Read More »

Electric car parked in log with leaves

Plug-In Hybrid Automobiles: Better Than Fuel Based Cars?

Hybrid cars use a combination of fuel and stored electrical power (in a battery) to optimize fuel consumption and help reduce emissions. They can be seen as a stepping stone between fuel-based cars and electric automobiles. What many consumers, as well as owners of hybrid automobiles don’t realize, is that it’s possible to purchase a kit that will turn your hybrid into a plug-in hybrid automobile. In other words, into an electric vehicle. The problem with these kits is that they currently are only available on the black market, and as such they will invalidate your warranty if you install them. They are also better suited to certain hybrid automobile models than to others…

Plug-In Hybrid Automobiles: Better Than Fuel Based Cars? Read More »

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